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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Mar 28, 2015

Todays guest, willing to spends some time with us Joining up dots, first began his working life as a sales professional in the technology industry after graduating from Miami University (OH) with a degree in Marketing and Entrepreneurship.

And as he says in his own words "It didn’t take long for me to notice and experience first hand the friction between generations in the workplace."

The guys that were happy to come to work everyday and do their stuff, because quite simply that is what they had always done.

And then the younger group. The next generation who thought and acted differently due to their belief that life should be different to that of their parents.

In fact it's not so much as a belief, but is a firm expectation that things are going to move on, and they will be at the forefront of that movement.

So to better understand this workplace issue, our guest began researching, collaborating with industry experts, and interviewing 100s of Millennials to better understand their behavior, strengths, employer expectations, and career desires.

Which lead to him to write the book, “The GenEdge: Leveraging Millennials With A Next Generation Mindset,” which empowers leaders to think differently about the emerging generation in order to capitalize on their size and unique skills.

Now he shares his insights from the stage where he has spoken alongside fellow thought leaders from iconic brands like MTV, Facebook, and Uber for the last 7+ years.

He also shares his insights as a contributor for many different platforms, not least his own podcast.

Is there anyone who hasn't got one of these?

So why was he so attuned to the friction that occurs within todays workplace, as isn't it just a sample of what life is like anyway nowadays?

And does he see this friction as a great thing that will speed us on to greater and greater endeavours, or just keep the brakes squealing away as we try to move forward?

Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Ryan Jenkins