Aug 26, 2015
My guest today, on the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has worked tirelessly to achieve his dream in life
And as we know the dream is always hard to achieve, but sometimes it can be made so much harder by the people that you are surrounding yourself with.
Sometimes your path is hidden from you by the actions and words of others, and no matter how much you try to get going, they will place obstacles in your way.
Which is certainly true with todays guest, who after a terrible time passing through the education system, stumbled through over 30 jobs, looking for the thing that lights him up.
He knew he wanted to be in entertainment in some way through his whole life, but was always told that it could never happen.
He vividly remembers telling his mom that he wanted to be an actor and being told to “get real.”
He recalls being told by a school councillor that he should go to work at the local mill cause that was all he would ever amount to.
He was directed by not what he thought was possible, but what others were willing to believe.
He needed the support of others, who could help his dreams come true.
The kind of people that would allow the shoots of his dreams to start growing.
And he found those people, and their positive words started showing the path.
As he says “They were telling me I could do something bigger, that I was someone. They were true friends to me. I learned I could work for myself. They kept asking “what’s your dream?” I thought ‘well maybe I could make a movie if I had $1 million dollars.’ I had no clue how movies were made! I just wanted to make one. – Age 26 I started studying stand-up comedy thinking maybe this was a way to get a movie made.”
So has he made his dream come true, by delivering a movie to the world?
Has he found the path, that he knows is truly his?
Well let’s find out, as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr. Doc Kennedy