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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Apr 25, 2018

Affordable Design Skills Have Made Todays Guest Able To Design His Life Too

My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a rogue risk taker turned entrepreneur. The original North Philadelphian native turned Camden New Jersey resident, he has always found ways to use his creativity to transform the customer experience through innovative marketing techniques. He grew his first real startup, Waterfront Media, a digital marketing and design agency, out of Waterfront Lab with nothing more than determination and a dream. After noticing an industry problem amongst customers communicating with their internal creative teams, he knew there was a better way to streamline the process to save businesses time and money. Hence the creation of Penji, a dependable on-demand design service that helps marketing teams receive unlimited custom designs at a flat monthly cost. Need a logo or marketing images then he is your man. Need another, or to fine tune the one that you have got….then back to our guest you go. As they say “We help startups, small businesses, and Agencies with all their graphic design needs. Penji offers unlimited graphic design at a flat monthly rate. We’ll help you with logo designs, business cards, flyers, marketing materials, websites/apps design all at a flat monthly rate. No contracts, cancel anytime. Our goal is to empower the next generation of designers through education and community building.” He is also the producer and host of The Blind Entrepreneur Podcast featuring interviews with entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and business professionals to help those who may be temporally blind in business and guide those individuals to profitability. In his spare time, you can find him supporting a local startup by wearing their swag at Barnes and Noble or flying drones around the air of New Jersey. So was he always interested in the entrepreneurial route of business, or did he start as an employee and discover there was a better way for him? And what has been the biggest learning of how to bring a startup to life? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Johnathan Grzybowski Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Johnathan Grzybowski such as: We discuss how children find it so easy to be entrepreneurial by going back to basics, and how we make it so complicated when we are older with choices everywhere. Why bringing elements of fun into your business is an amazing way to bring attention and traffic to your work. Jonathan shares his own Steve Jobs quote that inspires him, and man that is a great one to take into your own life. and lastly…. Jonathan shares how he took a considerable amount of time to find his true purpose, even though he knew what he was here on this planet to deliver.