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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Jun 28, 2019

I Feel Down In The Dumps But That's Ok Yes, hello good morning everybody. Good morning, you sexy individuals everywhere. How are you? Are you feeling good? Are you feeling all energised? Are you feeling like you can take on the world, like you could wrestle Beyonce to the ground, and the rest of Destiny's Child and get back up and still be able to move on with your day. Hopefully you feel like that, because that is the way that life should be you should be firing on all cylinders, and then loving life. But, this is going to be a very conversational, and confidential podcast, because over the last few weeks on Join Up Dots. I love doing it. I love doing it. I like making love to the microphone. And every time I turn it on, I feel inspired and I feel infused. But away from that sometimes I can feel a bit down. And over the last few weeks, I really have felt down in the dumps. And I'm gonna, I'm going to tell you a little story that I did. Because I think so many of you out there, look at the guys moving and shaking around the world doing things that you want to do. And you think they've got it all nailed and it's all perfect. And everything always goes right and everything's going amazingly well. But there's, there's times when I suppose it's the seasons of the body, the seasons of your life, whatever, where things can be a little bit off off kilter, and you can be a little bit down. Well over the last few weeks, I have been I've been depressed. And it's one of those depressions that there's no reason for it. You know, I can't pinpoint what it is at all. But I felt really, really down in the dumps. And even though I'm doing the show, and everything's going great, I just felt really sort of flat and lethargic. The Idea To Share My Feelings And so what I did, I was sitting watching YouTube, and this guy did a really good video talking about anxiety. And he was saying, you know how it's alright being a YouTube star. But you've got to think "I need to do new content. And I need to do this. And I need to do that." And sometimes your life goes in a different direction where you've got to do other stuff. And then what about the stuff you've got to do? So he shared this video on anxiety, and I was watching it and I was thinking, I know exactly what you mean mate because every week, I've got to produce three podcast episodes, I've got to find guests, I've got to, you know, create this and create that and put it out down into the world. And it can feel a bit like a sort of a hamster on the wheel, just doing that running, running running thing. So after I watched this video, what I thought I'd do is send a post over to Facebook land. Now I don't go onto Facebook very often. But I posted this post and what I wanted it to be is really, really positive. Okay, so as you will hear because I'm going to read it verbatim. But there's a bit at the end. And, well, I'm gonna I'm going to read it. I'm going to read it first of all, and then I will expand more. Because Hey, I've got a podcast episode to fill. Although I looked at this guy that I used to know who runs a podcast, a minute podcast, every day, 58 seconds a minute. Really, really? What is the point? But yeah, he does a minute podcast. The Facebook Post Anyway, this is the post that I put on. And it says in capitals, I feel down in the dumps. Now, this isn't one of those posts when the person is deliberately cryptic to get loads of "Why, why why is it?" comments from people everywhere? I just feel compelled to say but over the last couple of weeks, I've had a huge cloud over me now, there isn't any reason for it. I have a lovely life, a wonderful family, a great business and friends across the world. However, there is definitely something not quite right with me. My work isn't fulfilling me. I don't want to see anyone and my attention span is non existent. I just feel lost. However, really, when I think about this, there isn't anything wrong at all. I just feel down in the dumps. You can't bounce along like an overactive Tigger all the time, can you? You can't have the rainbows without the rain, better light without the dark. And I hear so many people moaning about how they are feeling like it's their right to feel differently. But I don't think it should. Because we arent robots, we're humans. And these emotions are what makes us who we are. So at the moment, I'm just getting through the days until I can go to bed and hopefully feel better again, and those clouds disappear. And I know that when I do, I should savour the happiness even more and make the most of feeling great. The happiness will be even sweeter. So thanks to the dark clouds, I'm actually looking forward more than ever. And that is a real gift to have when it comes. So I posted back about how I was feeling. And I thought it was quite motivational and really shared that yeah, I feel down in the dumps. But it's not a problem. And it's only a problem if you make it a problem. Otherwise, it's just the thing that you're going through. And I had loads of posts coming back. And most of them were sort of saying "Hang in there", you know, oh, you know, just just just work it through." Happiness Everyday Isn't Possible And that's not what I was saying. What I was saying was, it's okay to feel shitty, it's okay to feel happy. If you're happy all the time, then that just becomes normal. And actually, you're not happy. You, you work through things. And you get to a point where you go, this is brilliant. This is fantastic. It's like you could go to Disney World. And you go I remember the very first time I went to Disney World and all my life I wanted to go. And I was 20 the first time I went. And for all of you who've been to Disney World, you know what I'm saying. And for the ones of you that don't. You can either go on a boat across, and then the Magic Castle kind of gets bigger in front of you. Or you can go on like a monorail all the way around this big lake. And yeah, we went on the boat. And we're going across. And when I got off the other end, there was Chip And Dale, or Goofy or someone like that. And I felt so happy. And I thought, This is my whole life, I've led up to this point. And it was it was magical. For me. It was like confirmation of all my childhood dreams, because I used to love Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, and all the cartoons and stuff. And now I was in the spiritual home of it. Now, if I went there every single day, I couldn't possibly feel that happiness, I would actually feel flat. And in your life, if you create something that is brilliant and fulfilling. There comes a time when it's not. And through Join Up Dots, I realised that actually that feeling of feeling flat and depressed, wasn't my body saying you're flat and depressed. what it was, is my body saying, There's time for a change. You've got to think through you've got to find something to inspire you and motivate you, which is why the support groups, but I've started creating across the globe is the next part. And I know it feels right. And I know it feels an amazing thing to do by helping you guys to actually connect with people in your area that can help you move through. And so we've got 15 groups now through the world, some of them are starting to move. And we've got guys in Missouri, we got Becky Taylor, we've got Chris Forsyth, we got Jason Sumner in Missouri, we've got a group in Memphis, we've got one in Auckland, New Zealand, we've got one in Tasmania, one in Perth, Australia, we've got them scattered through the United Kingdom. The Gratitude Support Groups Some of them haven't got anyone in, I've been asked to create them, but the people actually aren't doing anything at all. And others are starting to feel that motivation. Now that motivation that they're feeling is coming back to me. And every day, we go into the group, and we support each other, and we say what we're grateful for. And it's the little things that can really change your mindset. So you're not thinking like I was "Oh i feel rubbish". I'm actually going, "Yeah, okay, I'm grateful for feeling rubbish", because it's going to point me in a new direction. And I've had so many posts from people where they say, you know, I'm grateful for electricity, because Chris had to get up and he had no power and it was dark. So we had to have a candle light, like the Amish walking around with a candle. And he said, "You know, this is this is, you know, all right. But every morning, I just switch a switch on, I've got power, I've got electricity, what an amazing way to operate". And as people have been saying to me, I'm savouring the sunrise, now there's going to be people out there going. Yeah, that's a bit rubbish. That's because your mindset isn't ready for the next growth. Okay? Because you win your inner game. And your outer game takes care of itself. And that's an absolute given. So if you're sitting listening to me going, "Yeah, oh, okay. Somebody likes the sunrise." You aren't ready for that next stage. Because, as I say, you get yourself feeling good. You get your self feeling energised, you getting yourself feeling positive, and you start taking opportunities, you start having more energy, you start smiling at people and making connections and it just takes care of itself. And if you go across the world and look at all the movers and shakers that come on to Join Up Dots, yeah, there's going to be times when they do feel flat, there's going to be times when they feel a bit depressed because they're moving into bigger areas into bolder areas into sexier areas where their energies can make more of a difference to other people and obviously make a difference back to themselves. Okay, so yeah, I've been depressed. But it's not a problem. It's not a problem. It's just a signpost to actually starting to do other things and change that routine that I've got onto every Thursday record podcast, Monday, Wednesday, Frida, release them to the world, do the coaching on the Friday, it became a kind of routine, which I've got to break and find other ways to stimulate myself. And so if you're out there, and you're listening to this podcast, and you think, "Yeah, I feel a bit. Like, I'm just going around in circles", then you need something to help spark that into life. And I was talking to a guy that I coach, and I won't say his name, because he will know who he is. But he's so secret about everything its untrue. And we were we connected on the zoom at seven o'clock in the morning, and he was sitting in his car. And he was somebody that I've coached back in February, to create an online business. And he was saying, "You know, through the process of going through my coaching, he's actually developed and an urgency to self develop. And he wants to learn every day. And he feels like he's got more energy, and now he's going back to the gym, to actually get himself feeling even better. Because he's got that ball rolling, he's starting to pulling himself out of that mud." Pulling Yourself From The Mud And once you pull yourself out of that mud, you can, you can start running, and you can make love and you can just do amazing things. But you've got to start getting that inner game going. Okay, so yeah, I feel down in the dumps. And I still do, I still do. But that's alright because I'm going to move through there. And we're going to find the new area of Join Up Dots. And for everybody out there who listens to the show, then, you know, let me know, drop us a line, we will create a group and I come into it on Facebook Live, we're doing a kind of Join Up Dots TV show where we come in, and we start sharing the positivity around the world. And I will be telling you what's happening in Auckland, and what's happening in Australia and what's happening. And you can feel connected to a worldwide movement of motivation. And once you start getting that you can feel a change in yourself, okay, and it's about you putting it out into the world, and then gaining the energy back and you will feel great, you will feel amazing, you will feel like you can't do anything wrong, because you're gonna feel supported. So thank you, as always for listening to this episode of Join Up Dots. Thank you for everybody that's dropping us lines. And thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm so grateful for the people that are actually helping me get this movement going. So you know who you are out there. We've got Martin, we've got Francis, we've got Chris, Becky, we've got Sandy, we've got Rochelle, we've got loads of people, I'm trying to think of them off the top of my head, who are every day waking up and putting positivity into these groups to inspire others. And of course we will make sure that we can all meet up live so that we can really say thank you and and make a difference in people's lives. And once you get out of that mud. As I say it is sexy times every day. Promise you. Until next time, thank you so much for listening to this episode of Join Up Dots. My name is David Ralph that is Join Up Dots. And very soon you'll be seeing Join Up Dots live. Yes, coming across Facebook, across the world growing the show growing the profile of everything and inspiring it Here we go. I haven't told anybody this, but inspiring 10 million people across the world to have a happy and inspired life. Yes. It's not all about creating huge amounts of money, but it is about building happiness and inspiration coming through you. And if you get that, the other thing just takes care of itself. Anyway, so 10 million people I'm aiming for. And it all starts with you. You help me and I will help you. Until next time. Thank you so much for being here. That was David Ralph, as I say, and that was Join Up Dots. See ya. Bye bye. David doesn't want you to become a faded version of the brilliant self you are wants to become so he's put together an amazing guide for you called the eight pieces of advice that every successful entrepreneur practices, including the two that changed his life. Head over to Join Up to download this amazing guide for free and we'll see you tomorrow on Join Up Dots.