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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Dec 27, 2017

Sales Techniques and Sales Closing Is So Hard, But Not With Michelle Weinstein

My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a lady who knows how to turn no's into yes's. She knows how to turn maybes in sales. She knows how to turn struggling businesses into rocking and rolling money making machines, all by the power of pitching correctly. As she says " I am a time-tested entrepreneur who has the unique ability to help you immediately identify business strengths to create a unique plan of action. More importantly, I will help you zero in on the hidden trip wires that keep you from achieving your financial dreams." She has knocked down the doors and impressed CEO’s at many billion dollar companies. Her relentless pursuit towards buyers at Costco Wholesale earned her coveted shelf space that also led to national deals with The Vitamin Shoppe. Other current clients include the Washington Nationals and Tampa Bay Rays. Within in her inner circle are multi-seven figure entrepreneurs, famous comedians, professional athletes and coaches from the NFL, NBA, MLB & NHL. As a result of these amazing relationships and opportunities Michelle has honed a unique skill set that will help you develop the most important and valuable relationships. She will teach you how to open doors and meet people that you have always dreamed of meeting, but you never knew how to get to. That’s her genius. So was this process something that was born in her, or created by many years of hardship, struggle and learning on the coal face? And where do people go wrong - pitching to the wrong avatar, or not believing that they have the value that leads to the sales? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Michelle Weinstein.  Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Michelle Weinstein such as: Michelle shares the four letter word that makes all the difference to a new entrepreneur, and why it is the most important thing to learn. Michelle talks about why being a standup comedian is the hardest entrepreneurial  journey to take, and why they have to be used to failure every single night. However these failures are a gold mine that can lead to huge success. We discuss how she found the diamond in herself by working in bars as a young lady, and how she can now see those skills are exactly the same as the ones she uses today. and lastly…. Why your ability to be able to walk away from money sets out an amazingly powerful position to take, that actually can lead to more money.