Jun 29, 2014
Todays guest has the biggest balls you can imagine. Well I better rephrase that really,it doesn't sound the best way to start an introduction after all.So lets go with, our guest today has three hugely successful books all based around the theme of being Ballsy in life Think and Grow Balls,Awaken The Balls Within,and 2014's addition to the balls family "The Ten Habits Of Highly Ballsy People".Highly influenced by the classic "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill our guest has brought the book and its content up to date, and added a rich vein of humour, anecdotes and well.....himself to the pages.All of them are fun,readable and hugely powerful guides to taking control of your life,shaking off the fear that roots us to the spot,and moving forward with more momentum than you could hope for.But believe me, behind the words of the book we have a man with a personal story that has been challenging and difficult, which has allowed him to roadtest the words he has given to the world.So what makes a man take the leap of faith and attempt to change the world.And what makes a man think that he can bring something different to Hill, Robbins, and Canfields of the world?So now without further ado lets bring onto the show to starting joining up dots the one and only JD Bloodstone.