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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Jun 19, 2019

David Ralph 0:00
Join me each month as I show you how you can follow our process to start an own your own life changing online business. This is business masterclass at its best, head over to join up and book your place for the next training session. And I'll see you there.

Intro 0:17
When we're young, we have an amazing positive outlook about how great life is going to be. But somewhere along the line we forget to dream and end up settling. join up dots features amazing people who refuse to give up and chose to go after their dreams. This is your blueprint for greatness. So here's your host live from the back of his garden in the UK. David Ralph.

David Ralph 0:42
Yes, hello there. Good morning to you. Good morning to you. And good morning, a game. I say that every show but I I like to say good morning to you. Because I'm grateful for you to be here. You know, you give up your time to press that little button wherever you click on either iTunes or Stitcher or have a website, the websites a good place to actually listen to because number one, it helps me out because you can get some of my free courses. And we're adding more and more overtime on there. I've got loads of good ones in my head, but I've got to record and I'm, I'm bringing them to the world people so that you can you can change direction and live a life on your own terms. So how are you? How are you? Oh, I'm Are you happy? Are you happy? Because I've been getting some emails from people. And one of the ones is what I'm going to respond to today from a lovely lady. I'm sure she's a lovely lady called Angela. She sounds lovely. As you're here in the email. And I've been getting a lot of emails from people saying to me, so what? Then last, their last, they're listening, they're listening. They're listening, I suppose like today's emails a little bit. And they want to do stuff, but I don't quite well, I will say to all of you just remain happy and remain focused on your life. Because when the time comes, you'll know it when you know 100% that it's ready for you and the universe is pointing you in the right direction, just like you are when you sort of sit in bed when you're doing a job you get a little bit bored, a little bit bored. And then suddenly somebody says there's a job going in this company I know. And you go Oh, all Tell me more. And I say Oh, yeah, it's it's double what you earning at the moment. Yes, that's what I want. I want that. I don't care what it is. I don't care. Well, I don't do that. I don't just try to push you into earning money because I think there's right money and there's wrong money. And I think the right way to do stuff is actually earn money by doing what you love. Yes, I'm going to repeat that once more to earn money by doing what you love, and it is possible it really is possible. Now in today's episode, I've had an email from a lady called Angela barrows from how in England hates you lol not as how h o l. a. And she starts she she doesn't actually start with you sexy man. And I'm literally every email I get now is sexy, Beast, sexy, man. Everything sexy and I love it is a bit of adulation. I don't really get adulation in my house anymore. I've seen me scratching myself in the underpants too many times to get that kind of adulation, my kids just kind of think, then come at it. It might wonder what David Bowie or like Paul McCartney's kids being I wonder if they actually think that these legends are still idiots because I've seen them sort of them, you know, just puttering around the house in their dressing gown and their slippers their kids always think their parents are idiots. Well, I don't know. But my kids certainly lean towards that. Now Angela barrows doesn't who sent his email and she says, love listening to your show. Dr. David, love listening to your show, and I'm intoxicated thought of punching my boss in the face and walking out like you did? I didn't actually do that. And I might say in the shows, you know, wouldn't it be great to do that? I know, I've never punched anyone in the face. Now that's not true. I've had two fights in my time. And one both. Yes, I can tell you who that the old Joseph, the old Joseph and Danny GIFs. And if anyone's listening and they know those people there, they would have liked it. I would have liked it because the Ralph my style beat them to a pulp. It wasn't really major fights. It was just kind of, you know, slapped around a bit. They it was kid stuff. It was kid stuff. But I'm still undefeated. Yes, I am Dean and Dean. And the rocky free that was. So what does she say? Yes. What did your boss say? Well, I didn't punch him in the face. But I couldn't because I really didn't like the idea at all. I can imagine they were really stunned and surprised. I would imagine that they would press charges. And, and my life would have changed in different ways. So now I didn't punch him in the face. But certainly I could not see eye to eye with. You know me, people. You know me. I'm lovable. I'm carefree. I haven't got a bad bone in my body. But you get me the wrong way. Danny and Phil, you get me the wrong way. And you're going to come to a sticky end.

Angela says I can only earn 20 grand per year working 36 hours a week. Do you honestly think that I could replace this income online? Yes, I do. I do. Totally. I know that I will still have to work as I would be amazed that I could just magically speak it out of the air whilst walking around in the London sunshine. Well, if you're looking outside my window at the moment is paying down with rain. It's June in June everywhere, isn't it? Where we don't just live on a different sort of time frame in the United Kingdom. So Germany is everywhere. But it's rubbish. It's absolutely rubbish. It's just rainy. We're even having the heating on, which is bizarre, but this time of year. Now, Angela? I would say yes, number one you can? Of course you can. And I would love the fact that you know, there's work to be done because I do think so many people had this disbelief, but they can just throw up a website, have a few links on there and make a lot of money. And most of the people want that. And I can understand that, because that's what I wanted at the beginning. And I've certainly created that because there's certain things that I don't have to do anything with a tool. And it does bring me incoming, which is lovely. But to be earned 20 grand, you know, which is replacing it all just that way. That's hard work. doable. It is it's doable, but it's hard work. So how can we do this? Because you obviously want to know, can you replace this and I'm going to get you all to get your calculators out. Okay. Now if you were me, I'd spend time writing boobs. What was that? Five double? Oh, eight, yeah, five, double eight and turning it upside down? Or boobies. You can go boobies as well. That's a good one. And there's some other sort of quite rude ones. But no, but I was always into boobs. And I haven't changed much. Really. I've got a preference. I have got a preference. Okay, so what I want you to do is get your calculator out and think to yourself, right? Okay. 20 grand, what do I need to do to replace that income? Now imagine that you've created a product for pound, okay? People come across your website, and they just buy something for a pound. Now, first of all, you would go well, that's easy, I can do that. Now, people don't actually buy stuff really cheap. They just think it's a ripoff somehow, and I do it myself I I was on a website the other day. And it was something like $36 it wasn't anything at all. And I thought to myself, sounds too good to be true what they were offering. Now it might have been amazing. I still looked at info now I'm gonna leave that. So if you were charging one pound, you would have to service 20,000 customers a year. Okay. So that's quite hard work. 20,000 customers, I don't know what that is per day. But that's a lot. Okay, so we're not going to do that, we're not going to do that, Angela. Now, if you went for two pounds, you've instantly half your work. And you're only having to service 10,000 people a day. Okay, still a lot of work. So we don't want to do that. So let's go to four pounds, okay, four pound service, it could be a PDF book, it could be some kind of training material, it could be that you actually provide a service yourself, there are a myriad of ways. Now for pound means of 5000, right? Okay, we can into a better figure, okay? But still, it's a lot of work. Now, bizarrely in the online world, the more you charge, the easier it is to sell, okay, because there's a value piece behind it that people actually buy into. And if you did a 200 pound service, you would only have to service 100 customers a month. Okay? Now 200 pound, that's not a lot, some something in your skill set, I don't know what you do. But somebody in your skill set can definitely be transferred into a service or a resource that you could charge 200 pounds for. Now, the brilliant thing about that is if you can do it, so that people just come along to your website and click on a link and they buy vaping, then that's great. But you can also put yourself into the product. And once you put yourself into the product, it becomes more valuable. One to one service is the premium. Okay, now, oh, my courses, if somebody wants me one to one with nobody else, just been gazing into my eyes, rubbing my thighs, now we do everything on Skype and stuff. So they can even if they want to,

then I charge premium for that because I can't scale it is every hour is totally for them. Okay? Now, for $200. You don't have to do 100 people, as I say, which equates to 8.33 people a month. It's not a lot 31 days, and you've only got to service eight people. Now you've got to do it constantly. So every every month, you got to do the same thing. And maybe you want to slow down on certain months, you might want to go on vacation or holiday. So you might want to play around with that. But that actually equates to naught point two, seven people a day. That's like a leg. Okay, you've only got to deal with a leg a day to be able to make that money. Now, we want to go better than that. Because we do of course we do. So let's do something for 500 quid, which is still not a lot of money. Now, there's going to be people out there listening to that going to 500 quid, that's a lot of money. But believe me, I speak to people now. But I bet there was a guy the other day, 100 grand a year, I know somebody not personally, who does 50 grand gesture, a telephone call for half hour, you know, there is money out there. And if you're thinking that's a lot of money, that is because you're in the back position, okay, you're in that position where it is a lot of money for you. But it doesn't mean it's a lot of money for other people, okay? And that's a mindset thing that you've got to cross where you've actually got to go is not what I value it as it's what other people will be willing to value it is, you know, if I, if I sold to Roman Abramovich, who owns Chelsea Football Club, that's, that's nothing, he spends millions, okay? And that's the kind of mindset, you've got to think, where do I find these customers that have got the big money, okay, so let's go one higher, we're going to have 500. Now, 500 is only 40 people a month, okay to get your 20 grand. And if we can go through 1000, that's 20. Now, once you get to 1000, you can easily do 40. And then you've doubled your money on 40 grand a year, okay. And so it really is doable. If you know what you can provide, you know where your customers are, and you know the value that you want to deliver to them, and then work accordingly. So I always call it my keep the lights on bigger. So if 20 grand is your salary per year, I bet that isn't what you actually need to live. First of all, that's going to be luxuries, that's gonna be Netflix, that's going to be a load of different things. But if you stripped it right down to go, Okay, I know it's going to be rubbish, it's going to be bare minimum, it's just gonna be, but I can pay my bills, I have food, and I don't have a social life, I don't have anything, you probably could go down enough eight grand and go over, all I need to do to replace the income is 12,000. Once again, get onto your computer, stop thinking about boobs and boobies. And then start putting your fingers in and seeing what comes out. I do that a lot. I love a spreadsheet. Well, I can put 4.5% and 5.6 and, and drag it down, you know, on Excel spreadsheets, you drag it down and all the formulas go all the way down it. That's what I love doing so that I can see what I've actually got to aim for and what work I have to do. Okay, so that's something that I always do play around with your fingers and see where you need to go. Because believe me, no matter what you want to do, you will look at it and think, okay, that's not as bad as I thought. hundred people, 8.33 people a month, I could do that. And that gives me breathing space to actually create more value into my life. That's the way I want to do it. So she says following on. She's still walking around in the London side shine. I don't know where you're getting that London, the sunshine from? Because it's not over my head at the moment. I guess you would say of course it is. Yes. You say Angela? Yes. I preempted you. And I have said it is possible. And it's just me being a scaredy pants chicken. Yes, you are. You are a scaredy pants chicken. She follows it up. Now she's moved through this. And this is interesting with this email, she starts off kind of really wanting to do it and punching people in the face that that's just violent, Angela, we don't want that. And then she's saying, I don't kind of believe it's true. But now now she's in the positive. She's in the practical. And she says, ooh, it's so exciting to think I'm going to do it in her voice. I don't know if this is how she talks. And this is probably deeply offensive, but I'm going to do it. Oh, it's so exciting to think that I could take control of my life like you have done. But I'm a very pragmatic and practical and I need a concrete plan. Now,

I think that is a brilliant Northern accent. I think that is spot on. And I could walk around the streets of combination street, and I could just be a native, I would disappear. Nobody would know that I am the sexy podcaster. But you all talk about not one person out there. Okay. Thank you so much. If you manage to find the time to answer this question kind regards you sexy man, Angela barrows. Whoa, Ingrid. So that's something that I think he's gonna be useful for you. Okay, look at what you need to earn. Repeat back and think now what do I really need? You know, what do I really need to earn to just be out to pay my mortgage, pay my bills and stuff. And we're cutting back all the luxuries, which is, is your transition? Because the real important part is getting the free time. You know, I talked to a guy called Neil Hughes. And he's a tech writing blog posts in podcast person. He's, he's the tech writer I can never remember he shows about. And I remember him sort of connecting with me before he started becoming a global success. And we chat quite often. And one of the things that we both agree, time, time is your value point. But you cannot lose those track of the value. It gives you. The fact that on Wednesday afternoon, yesterday was Monday was actually a lovely day. And so me and my wife walked through the Country Park near us. And we sat on this bench, and we looked over the River Thames. And it was just glorious. And as we were sitting there, funnily enough, a guy but we used to work with up in London many years ago, walked past and he said, Oh, hello, you too. And he said, Hello, you see, we're polite. And he sat down by the side of us. And we also had an amazing we used to be in London on this day, on a Monday, working in our suits being stressed. And here we are sitting in the sunshine on a bench looking over the sea. And you know you want for that. But it gives you the breathing space as well to be out to put time in, it's quite difficult to build a business when you're squeezing around the evenings and kids on stuff. But if you can start earning some income, to give yourself a bit breathing space, maybe one day a week that you can be lock yourself away and start working on creating that value point for your customers, then things are doable, and new shoes, wherever you are walking your dog, aren't we right? Aren't we right? Isn't it about the time that you get, which is the big positive because when you can carry on building your business and scaling up, and then making it more what you want it to be the beginning bit is just a starting point. Well, thank you so much to Angela barrows for dropping us an email, thank you so much to there was a guy we're just going to be opening it is Lucas, Lucas Gordon has dropped us a line and he's interested in opening a group of join up dots in Denver, Colorado. So we're going to be arranging back and we will create the group and we'll start getting people in, we're here to support you guys locally, we've now got another one being built. I can't be where that is. Now it's going out my head. But we've got that six or seven at the moment, very small at the moment, a few people in them, but they're already making inroads into their their positivity and growing their future. So if you are interested in creating a group and helping us grow it and become the leader, and not a follower, making things happen in your life, but drop us a line and we will get one created. And we will work with you accordingly. So Lucas golden, thank you so much for that. Anybody else drop us a line and just say you'd like to start a group in whatever place you are, we're a range where and then we will start broadcasting into it and linking all the groups across the world so that you've got a support network everywhere, sharing good ideas and practices and success and failures. And of course, gratitude. Thank you so much as I say for listening. Thank you so much for everyone who's dropping us a line. And until now next time, I'll be waiting for you. Yes, I will be waiting for you. With me calculator, trying to work out some rude words. I didn't know when I was a kid. Until next time, see you later.

Unknown Speaker 19:10
Bye bye. David doesn't want you to become a faded version of the brilliant self you are wants to become so he's put together an amazing guide for you called the eight pieces of advice that every successful entrepreneur practices, including the two that changed his life. Head over to join up to download this amazing guide for free and we'll see you tomorrow on join up dots.