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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Apr 19, 2019

When it comes to creating your life most people get stuck before they start.It's not a surprise to be honest as generally people don't think they have a choice.Creating their lives is not part of the plan.You get told what your life is.You get told what is best for you.So you follow along with the guidance of others until your are living a life you hate.However as we show on Join Up Dots everyday that is madness.The world is full of amazing inspirational people who turned 360 degrees and now live the life of their dreams.You can hear thousands of them in our podcast archives simply by clicking here.But how can you start creating your life if you are lost and struggling?Let's show you as it's a lot easier than you might think.How To Start Creating Your Life1.What Do You Want To Do?First of all, you need to have a direction to follow.You need to start being clear on what you want to do and achieve in life.So many people try to get incredibly detailed at this point so that they can't go wrong.We don't think that truly works.What you need to do is simply start understanding your talents and what you love doing in your life.Don't worry about bills and money and all those boring things.Just start drilling down on your passions, enjoyment and what lights you up inside.If this is already a problem for you head over to our amazing free video course that helps you start from scratch.It can help you start creating your life through a sequence of videos, detailing our process of discovery.2. Is there Money In It?If you listen to a lot of people out there today they have some amazing advice.Find your passion and you never work again.When it comes to creating your life I agree with that wholeheartedly.....once you get to where you want to be.However creating your life isn't just about having an amazing time everyday.That's the goal for sure.But it's about paying your bills, keeping the lights on, and being sensible.Passion needs to earn money otherwise you are in a dodgy position for sure. So you need to make sure that your dream life has some way of being monetized even if it's not sexy ways.Sexiness can come later, at this point its about keeping the dream building going so let's be practical.3: Keep A Track On Your ThoughtsOur thoughts are our most powerful tool that we have in our box.We create in our minds and then go out and build those thoughts into something amazing.On the flip side of that we can create a miserable existence for ourselves simply by doing the same.Negative thoughts can make creating your life so unbelievably hard.Even impossible it's fair to say.Therefore if you are thinking negatively you will bring forth bad times and despair.If you are bouncing around like an excitable Tigger then that excitement will make magic occur.Keep track of your thoughts and keep them on the positive side of things for sure.4: Creating Your Life In SecretRight at the very beginning of your new life things are fragile.You are unsure of what you want to do.People are unsure why you want to do something different to them.They will destroy your dreams quicker than Lewis Hamilton in a nice car.The reason they do this, is they don't want their own life to seem even worse.Your friends and colleagues will make comments and laugh and kill those dreams in an instant.So if you really want to start creating your life the way you want to then keep your mouth shut.Don't tell people about anything until it becomes real and undeniable.Then they will all say "Yeah we always knew you would do something amazing"5: Work Harder Than You Have Done BeforeNow this is the part of creating your life that you will dread.That is because work has always been really hard up to now for you.It's been hard work as to be honest it's just a job you've been going to.Things will be different now as you want to work hard.This is where the phrase "Find your passion and you will never work again" comes from.Of course you will work as you continue creating your life but it won't FEEL like work.That is a huge difference to everything you have done in the past.Now you will want to crack on and create your dream life and effort won't come into it.6: Take Breaks And Leave It All BehindThrough building Join Up Dots to where it is today I got obsessed.I knew that I was onto something so worked harder and harder.Day after day I chipped away until I couldn't see the woods for the trees.This was a huge mistake and caused the dream to fall behind in it's momentum.Part of the process of creating your life is having breaks.Getting your mind fresh and relaxed so new ideas come into play.Going for walks in the countryside to get lots of lovely fresh-air.Sleeping more than you have done before.You will thank me for this piece of the puzzle as remember this one thingYou are creating your life to be wonderful not a prison of torture.It will take a little bit longer for sure, but not half as long as not taking breaks.7: Visualising Is A Huge Key To Creating Your LifeWoo woo stuff right?All this picture yourself in a Lamborghini and then suddenly there's one on your driveway stuff.Of course that is madness and is prone to failure.But how powerful is it to confirm what you want everyday, first thing in the morning to set your path correctly?Back in 2014 I used to look in the mirror when I was brushing my teeth and say"David you will earn five thousand per month through Join Up Dots"A simple message that I kept on ramming into my brain until i went flying past that goal.I also surrounded myself with powerful images of how I wanted my life to be like.Creating your life can be fun and hugely exciting to work on.It's like flicking through Amazon and saying "I want this, I want that..give it to me"Get those images around you so you can see where your life is heading.Otherwise how will you know you have achieved your goal?8: Celebrate Your Successes When Creating Your LifeCreating Your Life is difficult at the beginning for sure.You are turning the oil tanker of our life around and that is hard.So why do people only think they are a success when the big goal is achieved?I say this as I am a notorious non-celebrator and that is wrong.So many achievements occur everyday that we have plenty of opportunity to crack open the bubbly.Jot down the successes when they occur and "whoop and holler" to the skies.When things are hard and you think you aren't getting anywhere then you have the proof that you are.It's all down their in print for you to read and smile at your dark thoughts.That's good advice for sure!9: Once You Start Making Money Invest Back Into Your DreamOnce again we have to be practical and know that a dream life involves bills.Bills need to be paid, no getting away from it.Therefore as you are creating your life and cash starts coming your way don't spend like a maniac.Take what you have received and put a percentage away for your tax.Then also take 20% to put back into your business to develop it quicker.This could be to hire someone to perform a task that you are struggling with?It could be to hire a mentor who is where you want to be already.There is no doubt that creating your life will have times when you are strapped for cash.So give yourself a buffer financially to ease through these times and keep creating your life the way you want it to be.10: Enjoy The ProcessIf you aren't enjoying the process of creating your life then you are quite simply doing things wrong.How can you not love building a future that other people only dream about.How can you not get excited about never having to ask for time off again.As we have said through this whole podcast and article attempting what you want to do is hard.It's hard until you gain a bit of momentum and the rewards start coming in.So you can make it so much easier for yourself by enjoying what you are doing.Having faith in the process and enjoying every second it takes.We never said that creating your life is easy....but it most certainly can be the most fun you ever have for sure.Thanks for listening to the podcast or reading the article.Make sure you subscribe to the show or sign up for our lessons and tips we send out/Any questions you know where we are. All the bestDavid RalphHost and Founder Of Join Up Dots Podcast