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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Apr 22, 2019

Winston Clements is today's guest joining us on the show.A a man who is truly inspiring as you will hear due to more than the normal obstacles to overcome everyday.However with a powerful view on the positives of life, Winston is achieving more than most will ever do.He was born with a condition known as Brittle Bones disease and the main symptom is bones that break very, very easily!This disorder limited him especially during childhood because he had to undergo numerous surgeries and missed out on a lot of fun moments.As he says "I remember the intense sense of frustration I used to feel, at having to watch from my bedroom window.While my sisters and all the other kids in the neighbourhood played outside in the sunshine.The turning point for me came many years later… after I had successfully graduated from University with a degree in Computer Science.My confidence had taken a big hit because I was struggling to find employment, unlike most of my friends.Something needed to change!How The Dots Started Joining Up For Winston.

Winston Clements decided to stop comparing his life to other people, to stop doubting in his own abilities and to stop letting a disability define him as a person!Breaking through the self-imposed barriers empowered him to build a successful tech career with some of the top companies in the world – and TODAY he issuing his speaking to share learnings and practical takeaways at live team events and conferences.As he says "In today’s world stress, overwhelm and mental illness are becoming increasingly commonplace.This isn’t helped by a society that likes to put us in boxes whether it is because of gender, disability or any other bias.Having been born with a severe physical disability, I’ve been able to achieve many things which perhaps are not expected of people in my situation.One big piece of advice I would love to share with your audience is around taking extreme ownership - a mindset that puts you in a far better position to achieve results as opposed to adopting a victim mentality.Well lets get him on the show so that he can share that with all of us today.So is it as simple as deciding to do something that makes all the difference in life?And where does he find the daily challenges appearing most, through his general life or the opinions of others?Well let's find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr.Winston Clements.


Show Highlights

During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Winston Clements such as:How Winston used to have good days and bad days as a young child, and what he did to turn the majority into good.Why Winston Clements thinks that the mental challenge is in many ways so much harder to overcome than the physical one every-time.How he decided that he had the motivation to start earning his own money through his own passions.And lastly.......We reveal how you can all become a speaker on the circuit even though it isn't obvious what your message should be when you first start.