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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Oct 31, 2016

My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has had a fascinating journey to where he is today.

At the moment he is the online relationship expert, with the hit podcast Together -  Podcast About Relationships

Going back in time, for so many people, he would had looked liked he had the perfect career, in the perfect location, dealing with the perfect subject. He was a former attorney,who once ran Heath-Newton LLP, the largest family law practice in the San Francisco Bay area, specialising on helping people move through the heartbreaking, but sometimes liberating stages of divorce. As he says he has been through a thousand divorces but is still a romantic at heart, and with a never ending supply of former romantics wanting to go their separate ways, you would think that this was a job for life. However, our guest had other ideas, and instead of getting bigger and bigger he began looking to close his firm and sell it. But it was at this point when his world crumbed and the ground fell from under his feet. He discovered his partner had been embezzling money and he lost everything. And this is one of those key moments, a big dot moment as we call them, when he could have gone in many different directions but instead found what looks like his true love. So his next step (...after a year of depression post-law firm crisis), he launched his podcast and magazine, Together Guide, where he helps people find the love and keep the love, through stories, podcasts, retreats and workshops. Taking all his learnings through years of divorce, to well, nip it all in the bud before it ever gets anywhere near the big D word. So could he have only have got to this point, by going through the years of legal work, or does he now wish that it was fast track all the way? And why do people who start so in love, lose their way? Is it a lack on communication, or just forgetting what thrilled them in the beginning? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Erik Newton

To hear more from Erik Newton go to:

Podcast: Together - A podcast About Relationships

Description:  We all know relationships take work, but what is that work and how do we do it? Reformed divorce lawyer Erik Newton explores those questions and many more in a series of intimate and honest relationships with real couples.