Oct 25, 2017
My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who is known as one of the top Online Marketers in Australia, and thrives on teaching people, and delivering targeted leads to his customers. He started with his own computer support business in 2003, and then moved to online businesses and has been working from home full time since 2008. During that time he has became a top 100 Clickbank affiliate, earning commision on automatic pilot. However it hasn't always been plain sailing as a couple of setbacks he has dealt with over the years included having his Google Adwords account suspended (90% decrease in income overnight!), and his Youtube account also (hundreds of videos and traffic and sales gone overnight). So how did he get past those "Oh my god, why is this happening to me...?" moments that we all have to deal with as we build the dream? Well we will find out, but he has certainly done just that, as he is back on top (where his efforts deserve) And now he has pivoted and helps businesses create lead generation campaigns on Facebook and Google that bring in at least a 5:1 return on investment. So when he looks back on his first computer business, does he smile knowingly at what he thought was success back then? And what is the biggest lesson that he has had forced on him over the years, which he never ever lets go off as he continues to move forward with his business? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. John Lagoudakis Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with John Lagoudakis such as: Why it is so important to have email lists that are targeted for the customer...speak to them in the language that they understand. Why John recalls going to University but hating it due to choosing an interest that just didn't light him up inside. Always go with what feels good and not what you think is good. Why all success starts with digging downwards. You cannot build success without the hole to sink your foundations - Brilliant advice. and lastly…. How Johns minimises the risk of marketing for his clients by working closely with them - before getting paid himself. He states this makes him work harder for both himself and his clients.