Nov 22, 2017
My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who really is blazing a path across the world, being uniquely her and helping people everywhere to find love and amazing relationships. Now you might expect that the introduction will talk to you about Californian beaches, yoga retreat and other such things. But by now, as you well know, is not what we do at Join Up Dots. Instead we like to start with the words of the lady herself who says "I was a rebel in my teenage years. At 18 years old, I served in the intelligence unit of the IDF. It taught me discipline and responsibility. Soon after my service ended, my free spirit took me to Japan. Living in this magical place for 3.5 years was better than the best sushi you have ever had. But I knew that life had more to offer, I dreamed of becoming the next Angelina Jolie and moved to NYC to study acting. When I started getting minor roles in independent films, my dream seemed within reach. It wasn’t all easy. I’d endured a crippling bout of depression that lasted for years after escaping an abusive relationship. I did everything I could to mend my heart and regain my strength. The process of rising like a phoenix from my own ashes, was my catalyst for becoming a coach and helping others in the same way I was helped. Sometimes, you have to go through great pain and difficulty to unwrap your true gifts." And isn't that what we see every single day in Join Up Dots, the bad stuff is the gold, and the good stuff is well.....just that, good. Nice to live through, but doesn't really teach you anything. And now with her coaching business, podcast, and testimonials growing daily it is without a doubt clear to everyone that this lady needed the tough times to become who she is today. So when did she realise that her dreams of a youngster were not actually the dreams that the adult should cling to? And where do people go wrong when trying to find love? Trying too hard, or not trying at all? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Orion Talmay Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Orion Talmay such as: We discuss how we all are masculine and feminine energies, and how we can channel these to gain different results from what we would normally receive. Orion shares how she found her partner, after having a breakthrough at a Tony Robbins course..and what happened in a hot air balloon. and lastly…. Why we would all look ourselves in the mirror and say "I love you" no matter what has gone right or wrong in our lives. Acceptance is such a major part to finding your true self.