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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Jun 29, 2018

Masterminds Can Be The Difference To Business Success Or Failure

My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who is aiming to change the lives of many through the power of online connections through masterminds. Building a business can be lonely. You sit behind your computer screen wondering "Should I do this, or should I do that?" And most of the time you end up doing nothing as the confusion is so great. As he says "Having a mentor can be one of the most crucial pieces in creating the business of your dreams. Everyone knows the saying that if you are the smartest person in the room you need to find a new room. That is why it’s so important to participate in masterminds and surround yourself with proven leaders and successful business professionals. Which he is providing by the online platform Eccountability, the first global virtual mastermind platform. You join and then he will match you inside their Virtual Mastermind groups that are highly targeted, where your goal setting and accountability truly begins. They help fill the gaps of your knowledge and speed you forward to where you want to be. Now this isn't a masterminds business that isn't 100% rooted in our guests own backstory, as back in 2003 he had sunk his life savings going into business when he had no idea what he was doing. He spent a year learning marketing, networking etc- all as a side hustle because he worked full time. After 12 months I'd made just 1 $600.00 sale, had spent $30K and was close to giving up. Then he found a mentor and within two weeks made an online sale for $1,300 and his business was up and running. The life lesson he learned.  You don't know what you don't know.  But certainly someone else does, and the more people you connect with the greater the chance to find that solution to your problem. So when did this idea first come to him, and was it a "Yay let's build this thing...or great idea, how the hell do I build this thing?" And would he have got to where he is today without the year of desperation he went through? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Masterminds. himself Ronan Leonard. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Ronan Leonard such as: Ronan shares how he got to the point of taking the leap of faith and how he came to the realization the fear in his head was never going to be that bad. Why everyone starts on a level field, has to start somewhere and build up confidence.......but the world still thinks they are an overnight success. Ronan talks about why its so important to mix up the pool of people that you surround yourself with to gain insights into different worlds. and lastly…. Ronan reveals why the first sale in every business is to yourself. You have to sell the idea to your own belief system before you can ever make it come true.