May 30, 2016
Today’s guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots Podcast is a man who has experienced something that we see time and time again on Join Up Dots.
Sometimes a calling is waiting to be answered.
You work through your life, doing a myriad of things until with a knock knock on the door, you are thrown into a world that for many begs the question.
“Why the hell didn’t I do this earlier….its amazing”
Well today’s guest is such a person and after growing up on the south-West side of Houston Texas, did what many young men did in the late seventies.
Saught out adventure and travel by joining the US Navy for 23 years, which had him based in Virginia where he ultimately retired in 2001.
But this is just a small part of his story as he also worked as a restaurant manager, a musician and also in the auto-mobile industry as a Service advisor.
None of these occupations giving much clue to where his life was heading.
It was however, after he started doing daily posts on Facebook that his wife Sandy had an idea, and over a period of time persuaded him to write a book
And so he started writing a novel about growing up in the sixties. which turned out to be something of an epiphany to him.
As he says “I found that I have a natural gift that I was unaware I possessed.”
And now the books just keep on coming with the name of “Best Selling author” firmly linked to his output.
He has written six novels from coming of age comedy to supernatural thrillers.
His latest work, Xtreme Options, is a fast paced Detective Murder Mystery that throws the Irish pair of Bryce Mallory and Shamus Crawley into a whirlwind of excitement as they match wits with the High Stakes Killer, who gives his victims a chance to walk away if they win the bet.
So although he states his writing skills were a complete surprise, did he ever show a passion for English and Literature at school?
And what does he say to people who often say things like “It’s ok for you, I’m just not talented at anything!”
Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr Ron Stelle