Jul 30, 2017
Sleep and getting enough sleep can be such a huge issue for us all.
Which is why Christine Hansen built a whole business around getting sleep into our lives.
My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who the majority of the world need to get into contact with at sometime or another.
She is a sleep expert who over the last years has positioned herself as the go to person to help you drift off into a pleasant, restful and recharging sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. As she says “I understand that sleeping, while on sleep medication isn’t really sleeping. I understand that falling asleep, but then having to lie awake for hours in the middle of the night isn’t really sleeping, and I understand that waking up just as tired as when you went to bed isn’t really sleeping either” So hands up….come on people be honest “How many of you have fallen into one of these sleep patterns over the last few years?” Yep, I know that I have, so how has our guest managed to find the solution to something that plagues all of us at one time or another. And the answer is, she has been on a journey of self discovery, upskilling and putting herself and her knowledge out there Starting her journey as an English teacher in Luxembourg, she had a pretty standard career for a few years until she got to the point when her interest in corporate coaching and sleep patterns became too much to ignore. And she took the leap of faith, leaving her career in education in 2015 to start something new and inspiring. And since then with a huge amount of hustle, commitment, perseverance and of course struggle she has built her hugely successful business coaching successful and career driven women (and inspiring men) on how to get a solid nights’ sleep allowing them to wake up refreshed, with more energy, and ready to tackle their legacy and personal life. So how has she managed to do all this whilst still getting a good nights sleep herself? And is it as simple as learning to switch off form everything that needs to be done, or much more than that? Well let’s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, the one and only, my favourite sleep expert ever Christine Hansen Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Christine Hansen such as: Why its so important for us all to find the best time to create our work. Do you need an early start, or work late. Its up to you to find the time that works. How focusing in on her spider senses is such an important way to operate in business, as more often than not the bad decisions full to the wayside. How she knew that her sleep business was a great idea simply by demand. Every business needs to solve a problem for people, so look around and find a solution. How sleeping is a habit that we can create, so we must look at everything we do on our way to bed to see if it is adding to the problem. and lastly…. How she feels that her job is a secret boyfriend in her life that her husband knows all about…and she want to run and spend time with it as much as she can.