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Join Up Dots - Business Coaching Made Easy (With A Bit Of Life Coaching Too)

Welcome To The #1 Global Hit Podcast Join Up Dots

Aug 30, 2023

BUSINESS COACHING: Should We Just Say Sod It I'm Already Ok?

Unleash Your Dreams and Embrace Happiness

🎙️ Are you ready to dive into a world of inspiration and wisdom? In today's episode, we're unlocking the secrets to a fulfilling life with a powerful mantra:

"It's amazing to have dreams, but more often than not,...

Aug 25, 2023

PLEASE HELP: Russ Walks The Uk Anticlockwise

Welcome to another episode of "Inspirational Journeys." In this episode, we're diving into the captivating life story of Russ Chittenden, a man whose journey has captured the hearts of many.

Through his own...

Aug 23, 2023

MOTIVATION TIME: Don't Strike When The Iron Is Hot

let's explore the depth of William Butler Yeats' quote: "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking." Imagine standing in a blacksmith's workshop, watching the craftsman at his anvil.

He holds a piece of iron over the fiery forge, waiting...

Aug 18, 2023

PODCAST CONFESSION PART 3: The Route Back To Happiness

🎙️ Podcast Summary: Transforming Emotions for Empowerment Discover the transformative power within your emotional journey on this inspiring podcast episode!

Explore the concept of turning depression and unhappiness into anger before reclaiming happiness.


Aug 16, 2023

MOTIVATION TIME: In The Middle Of Every Difficulty Lies Opportunity

Get ready to be inspired by the timeless wisdom of Albert Einstein's quote: "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."

Life's like an incredible adventure, a rollercoaster with its exhilarating highs and challenging lows. And when those...