Jul 30, 2014
Todays guest is a man that from the age of five knew what he wanted to be..a millionaire. But unlike many of us who have that dream, he set out on a path that led him to achieving the majority of his dreams by the age of 23 or 24. The big house in Florida, the time freedom, and everything else that you would set your heart on at an early age. But what do you do when you get to that point and you feel flat?
What do you do when you find the process of getting there was better than the goal itself? Well he set out to change other peoples lives across the globe, by teaching the world to be conscious in their actions.
He believes that we all have it in us, to break free from our financial restraints and gain the independence finally that we deserve, by quite simply becoming onscious.
But how did he come to that realisation?
How did he turn his fathers failing business, into a success that he can now share with the world?
Well lets find out, as we bring onto the show to start joining the dots of his life, the one and only JV Crum III