Jul 27, 2016
My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady from the UK who has set out to create her dream, after starting in a position that could have allowed her to say "How are things ever gonna happen for me?"
As she says " After growing up in a very poor household and leaving school with very few qualifications, I went on to forge a successful career as a top performing manager, responsible for a turnover of £9m, as well as the coaching and development of staff and agents.
But in May 2014 i realised I was no longer happy in the job or the company and decided to follow my dreams and become a author/speaker. I didn't know how I was going to achieve it, but I knew I would, I also didn't know the first thing about writing a book or how to become a speaker and started by researching on google how to achieve it.
I did take a very big gamble walking away from the security of a monthly pay-cheque, but I also knew it was time to go.
Friends and family thought I was living in cloud cuckoo land to think I could at the ripe old age of 46 take my career in a completely new direction and ultimately live the dream.
Colonel Sanders was 65 when he founded KFC so being 46 didn't put me off.
I didn't let their lack of faith stop me, I knew after growing up with very little and achieving what I already had anything was possible, so I started on my new vocation."
Well when I heard this I just had to have her on the show, as this is the classic example of finding yourself in the position where other peoples beliefs could quite easily have become her legacy.
Allowing herself to be held back by their lack of vision.
Staying where she was by the fear of doing what others think is possible.
And now with her own self-named company going from strength to strength, she is now a recognised authority on confidence and personal development.
And has been a regular guest on TV and radio, as well as a keen participant in a women's organisation whilst also organising and compere at events to raise much needed funds for charity organisations.
So how did she manage to push through the doubts, insecurities and bad advice of others, when so many people will listen and crush their own dreams, due to not believing in themselves as much as they do others?
And has it been harder than she expected, or plain sailing?
Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Angela Preston.